Date: Sat, 9 Jul 94 04:30:39 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #181 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Sat, 9 Jul 94 Volume 94 : Issue 181 Today's Topics: Apollo 11 Anniversary KLV vs. M2 antennas Looking for STSORBIT (*not* Plus) - found! (2 msgs) Multiple questions on satellite stuff oscar rigs, etc. Shoemaker-Levy STS-65 Orbital State Vector Rev #5 Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 9 Jul 1994 02:00:54 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!!!!!!!! Subject: Apollo 11 Anniversary To: Apollo 11 25th Anniversary Amateur Radio Special Event Station Activity At 1627 EDT, Sunday afternoon, July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil A. Armstrong spoke the words "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." At 2256 EDT, later the same day, Armstrong stepped down from the ladder of the Lunar Module onto the Moon's surface and spoke the words, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." To commemorate that historic event twenty-five years ago next week, amateur radio clubs and groups at NASA Headquarters and the various NASA field centers will be on the air as "Special Event Stations", contacting amateur radio operators around the world. Amateur Radio clubs or groups from twelve NASA locations are currently preparing for the 60-hour special event operating period from their respective facilities. Ham groups from other NASA locations may also be on-line to participate by the time the special event period arrives. This is the first time so many NASA stations will be represented on the air at one time. Contacts with these stations during the special event period will be confirmed on request with a certificate to commemorate man's first steps on the Moon and the special event activity. Details: Event Name: Apollo 11 Moon Landing 25th Anniversary Date/Time Period: 1700Z, July 19 through 0500Z, July 22 (1300 EDT, July 19 through 0100, July 22) Modes: CW, SSB, FM, Packet, Pactor, Amtor, RTTY, SSTV, ATV, Satellites. Frequencies: HF CW/SSB: Check 11 (as in Apollo 11) kHz up from the bottom of the General Class portion of the amateur radio bands (except 10m SSB: 28.411+ MHz). Other Modes: Check modes/frequencies as indicated by the individual stations below. QSL Information: A certificate is being designed to commemorate this special event activity, which will be individualized for each special event station. Domestic Stations: Send a 9" x 12" self-addressed, stamped envelope to the callbook address (CBA) of the station worked or to the address specified by the station worked. Attach $0.52 postage to cover return mailing. DX Stations: Send a 9" x 12" self-addressed envelope to the appropriate address, with sufficient IRC's or U.S. Postage for return mailing of up to 1.5 oz (42.52 grams). Europe = $1.40US postage (3 IRC); Mexico = $0.63US postage (2 IRC); Canada = $0.55US (2 IRC). Individual Station Specifics: ===================== Ames Amateur Radio Club, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA Callsign: K6MF Bands: 40-10m (excl. WARC), 2m Modes: CW, SSB, FM Special Freqs: 145.585 MHz QSL Address: AARC Box 73 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 Dryden Amateur Radio Club, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA Callsign: KF7GD Bands: 80-10m (incl WARC), 2m Modes: CW, SSB Special Freqs: 2m SSB: 144.25 MHz; FM: 146.55 MHz QSL Address: NASA DFRC Attn: Dryden ARC POB 273 Edwards, CA 93523 Goddard Amateur Radio Club, Inc., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD Callsign: WA3NAN Bands: 160-10m (incl WARC), 2m Modes: CW, SSB Special Freqs: 2m: 146.58 FM Simplex QSL Address: Callbook Address, or GARC P.O. Box 86 Greenbelt, MD 20768-0086 Guam Contingency Landing Site Amateur Radio Group Guam Callsign: KC4YDP/KH2 Bands: 80-10m (incl WARC) Modes: CW, SSB Special Freqs: QSL Address: NASA RADIO Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899 NASA Headquarters Amateur Radio Group Washington, D.C. Callsign: N4ZR Bands: 80-10 (incl WARC) Modes: CW, SSB Special Freqs: QSL Address: CBA N4ZR 2003 Sarazen Place Reston, VA 22091-3809 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club and Goldstone Amateur Radio Club Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Callsign: W6VIO Bands: 80-10 (incl WARC), 2m Modes: CW, SSB, Amtor, Packet, RTTY, Pactor Special Freqs: SSTV: 14.230 MHz Packet Node/BBS (W6VIO-1): 144.090/223.540 MHz 2m Repeaters (freq in MHz): (W6VIO) 147.15+/224.72- (WB6TZS)145.28-/223.96-/447.325- Satellites: AO10/13/LEOS SSB/CW QSL Address: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club M/S 168-327 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, Ca. 91109 Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX Callsign: W5RRR Bands: 80-10 (incl WARC), 2m, 70cm Modes: CW, SSB, FM, Digital Modes, SSTV, ATV, Satellites Special Freqs: 2m repeaters QSL Address: JSC ARC/W5RRR Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas 77058 BBS: (713)244-5625 Kennedy Space Center Amateur Radio Group Kennedy Space Center, FL Callsign: KC4TCV (SSB) / AD4NA (CW) Bands: 160-10m (incl WARC) Modes: CW, SSB, Pactor, RTTY, Satellites Special Freqs: Packet: 145.09 MHz; 2m Repeater 146.34/.94, 146.31/.91, 146.96/.36 QSL Address: NASA RADIO Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899 NASA Lewis Amateur Radio Club (NLARC) NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH Callsign: AK8Y Bands: 80-10m Modes: CW, SSB, RTTY, Amtor, Pactor, FM, Satellites Special Freqs: Repeaters: 147.195+/444.1 MHz RTTY: 14.080-90MHz Amtor/Pactor: 14.060-80MHz. Packet: 145.01MHz (call: AK8Y-8) QSL Address: NASA Lewis Amateur Radio Club 21000 Brookpark Rd, MS 54-6 Cleveland, OH 44135 Attn: Don Hilderman Marshall Amateur Radio Club NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL Callsign: WA4NZD Bands: 160-6m (incl WARC) Modes: Primarily SSB Special Freqs: 6m: 50.130 MHz; Oscar 13, Mode B QSL Address: Marshall Amateur Radio Club CM21X MSFC, AL 35812 Phone Message: (205)544-7568 Stennis Space Center Amateur Radio Club NASA Stennis Space Center, MS Callsign: K5GY Bands: 40-10m (no WARC), 2m Modes: CW, SSB, Novice Bands, Packet Special Freqs: 2m repeater: 146.70 MHz QSL Address: Stennis Space Center Amateur Radio Club Bldg 1201 Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 Wallops Island Amateur Radio Club NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA Callsign: KE3ND Bands: 80-10m (incl WARC) Modes: CW/SSB Special Freqs: 2m: 147.55MHz simplex QSL Address: Wallops Island ARC NASA Wallops Flight Facility Building E-134 Wallops Island, VA 23337 White Sands Complex Amateur Radio Group NASA White Sands Test Facility, Las Cruces, NM Callsign: KF7E Bands: 80-10m (incl WARC) Modes: CW/SSB Special Freqs: QSL Address: KF7E P.O. Box 627 Organ, NM 88052 -- 73, Pete ------------------------------ Date: 8 Jul 94 18:50:14 GMT From: Subject: KLV vs. M2 antennas To: Has anyone ever compared M2 antennas to the small KLM satellite antennas? They both use 14 elements on VHF. KLM is 22 elements on UHF, and M2 is 30 elements on UHF. I would be particularly interested in any comments about the following: 1. gain 2. overall mechanical construction 3. performance in rain, snow, and ice 4. ease of polarity switching Also, is a wood closet rod acceptable as a crossboom? If so, is polyurethane an acceptable sealant? Please respond to the newsgroup (others are interested in M2 vs. KLM comments) or directly to Thanks, and 73, Wayne Estes WD5FFH, Mundelein, IL ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 17:31:06 GMT From:!usc!!!!gw1!nntpa! Subject: Looking for STSORBIT (*not* Plus) - found! To: In, I wrote: > Can anyone tell me where I can find STSORBIT via ftp? I was able to ftp it from The filename is STS9201.ZIP Note: the ftp server there isn't setup completely, so you won't be able to see any files in the directory! Thanks to Don Ryan, N2QFE for the info. Andy -- ==-- -====--- Andreas Meyer, N2FYE --==---- AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel NJ ..!att!hogpa!ahm ---- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 19:50:30 GMT From:!usc!!!!gw1!nntpa! Subject: Looking for STSORBIT (*not* Plus) - found! To: > I was able to ftp it from > The filename is STS9201.ZIP > > Note: the ftp server there isn't setup completely, so you won't be able > to see any files in the directory! Be sure to login as "anonymous", the password is "guest". Andy -- ==-- -====--- Andreas Meyer, N2FYE --==---- AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel NJ ..!att!hogpa!ahm ---- ------------------------------ Date: 8 Jul 1994 14:18 CDT From:!swrinde!!convex!!! Subject: Multiple questions on satellite stuff To: Any one have two-line elements for the moon. Mine seem to be old (not a joke). Actually, the keps I have put the moon in a slightly different position than a GPS receiver said it would be. What is the latest version of InstanTrak? Also, how does it determine the age of a satellite from the International ID? In effect, how is the ID composed? thanks ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 18:07:20 GMT From:!!agate!!!torn!nott!cunews!!FreeNet.Carleton.CA! Subject: oscar rigs, etc. To: To get started with satellite communications a 25w or 50w 2m all mode with a 3 el or 4el yagi mounted horizontal is ok for uplink to 2 satellites , RS10 and FO20. for the downlink you require a 10m rig , i suggest an Radioshack HTX100 , they can be had for $100 this will do for the RS10 downlink using crossed horiz dipoles and maybe a preamp for HF. Kit from Hamtronics NY $29.00. then for FO20 downlink build an 8 el Quagi , using pine and 1/8 aluminium rod for elements and #14 copper house wire for drive and reflector see ARRL antenna handbook for dimensions (one eveing project) just follow instructions. then to convert from UHF FO20 downlink to HF 10m Hamtronics 435.5-437.5 rx converter kit $49.00. and you can reuse your 10m preamp for this as well. You will have to do a little work to get to FO20 however RS10 is easy to begin sat operation. Jeff, Ve3eff ex\ -- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Jul 94 23:52:44 -0500 From:!!!agate!cat.cis.Brown.EDU!!! Subject: Shoemaker-Levy To: Looking for individuals attempting to hear the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy strikes Jupiter? Thanks ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Jul 1994 10:43:48 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: STS-65 Orbital State Vector Rev #5 To: Vector format = 117 Satellite Name: STS-65 Catalog Number: 23173 94039A Epoch Date/Time: 94189.79230006944 07/08/1994 19:00:54.726 UTC EFG E: 11204373.21 ft F: 15768054.36 ft G: -10300272.16 ft Edot: -20043.4317 ft/s Fdot: 12949.8134 ft/s Gdot: -1969.5132 ft/s ndot/2 (drag): 0.00033846733 rev/day^2 nddt/6: 4.80752E-09 rev/day^3 Bstar: 1.06058E-04 1/Earth Radii Elset #: 5 Rev @ Epoch: 5.72395390955 MSDOS/PC software is available for conversion of OSV to 2 Line Keplerian Elements via ftp to: and the SIMTEL archives. State Vectors courtesy Ken Ernandes N2WWD SM ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #181 ******************************